Achieving the best in the west: Cultural Respect Encompassing Simulation Training (CREST)
This project developed a pool of thirty trained and culturally diverse simulated patients (SPs) who assisted entry-to-practice learners and graduate staff with interprofessional learning via four piloted cultural sensitivity training modules and eight case scenarios using immersive simulation scenarios. The SPs came from non-English speaking backgrounds and were from six cultural groups (Muslim, Italian and Greek, Vietnamese, Iraqi, Sudanese and Chinese). Religious backgrounds and sexual orientations were also factors that were examined and taken into consideration during this process. For more information and to register for the CREST program, please visit http://commercial.unimelb.edu.au/custom-education/courses/crest.
Central Clinical Simulation (CCS) Program
This project developed a coordinated network of simulation facilities in the CPN along with interprofessional resources for simulated learning which increased regional simulation hours for entry-to-practice students and other health professionals. This involved collaboration between: Melbourne Health, the Royal Children's Hospital, the Royal Women's Hospital, Epworth Freemason's Hospital and the University of Melbourne.
Eastern Health SLE initiative for outer metropolitan and rural clinical sites
This project purchased and equipped a mobile simulation van alongside developing an education and simulation training centres across the eastern metropolitan region. The focus of the simulation training is on delivering care in community health environments.
Grampians integrated clinical learning project - Stage 1
This project builds on the previous year’s SLE project to establish a Regional Integrated Clinical Learning Network continuing to increase simulation activity hours for professional entry students and postgraduate learners.
Integrating in-situ simulation into clinical training in a regional community of practice
Communication in an interprofessional setting using standardised patients. The aim of this project was to develop the capacity and quality of simulated learning being undertaken in the Hume CPN, specifically for staff and students of Albury Wodonga Health, and other agencies Albury Wodonga Health supports in its professional development program in the region.
Provision of a low/medium-fidelity simulation environment for teaching and learning in healthcare
This project developed Barwon Health's capacity to deliver low and medium-fidelity simulation alongside existing high-fidelity education and training activities. Funds were used to create teaching spaces at both the Barwon Health acute site, sub-acute site and aged care site for entry-level nursing and allied health students, postgraduate students and existing workforce. Barwon Health worked with partnered education providers to review curriculum and integrate opportunities for simulated learning.
Simulated Learning Environment (SLE) integration and development project for the Loddon Mallee Region
This project established two rural hubs for simulated learning and established a program for delivering training at these sites (three days a week), at additional small rural health services (equivalent to two days per week) and to other interested health services and education providers (one day per week).
Using simulation for multidisciplinary learning opportunities
This project developed clinical skills, communication and teamwork through multidisciplinary simulated training sessions.
Sustainability blueprint, tools and templates
The Sustainability blueprint has been prepared to assist project leads and their organisations to develop sustainability plans to optimise the use of assets for clinical placement programs. The blueprint provides an overarching framework for organisations to use in the design of their sustainability plans, taking a step-by-step approach that begins with an assessment of the project’s external and internal environments, provides guidance on cost optimisation and revenue enhancement, and concludes with an outline of some specific actions (strategies) for achieving financial sustainability. The blueprint contains information on the sustainability challenge and methods and tools to assist lead organisations to respond to the uncertainty of their funded projects. Accompanying the blueprint is a worked case study and a range of templates and tools designed to provide hands-on practical assistance to project leads and organisations as they develop their sustainability plans. -
Multidiscipline care plan consultation for an adult with cognitive and communication impairment
An interprofessional scenario was written by La Trobe University with the aim to involve simulated patients who have an underlying intellectual disability with a group of undergraduate students from various health science professions. Bringing students together in an interprofessional scenario is important to develop teamwork and communication skills, readying students for clinical practice.
Our intention is to build awareness and knowledge of treating people with intellectual disabilities. Having students converse with people with genuine underlying disabilities and previous experience of health care systems as simulated patients enables an authentic experience for learners.
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