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Project Information

  • Project no.
  • Organisation
    Alpine Health
  • Project completion
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  • Funding stream
    Small Capital & Equipment 2011-12
  • Workforce network
  • Discipline
    Multiple/Not Applicable
  • Subject area

Alpine Institute accommodation

Funding acknowledgment CMW_2015 In this project, Alpine Health improved organisational effectiveness through the continued development of a defined undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate strategy. In order to achieve this, Alpine Health relies on its ability to attract and retain students in a traditional small rural health environment, which has limited accommodation and public transport options. The development of this project has allowed for the refurbishment of student accommodation and has contributed to a substantial increase in student numbers, enabling further development of relationships with education providers. Additionally, a dedicated learning space equipped with information and communication technology now allows for in-house staff and student training ? contributing to the continuum of care.

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