• 06 NOV 15
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    Clinical supervision: spotlight on conversations

    Funding acknowledgment CMW_2015

    The aim of this project is to develop an educational toolkit including DVD simulations and activity-based workshops for clinical supervisors, focusing on enhancing communication skills in a variety of circumstances. The purpose of the workshops is to refresh knowledge and translate that knowledge into clinical education practice.  It includes strategies to plan and carry out conversations that may be seen as difficult or challenging, as well as opportunities to practice these conversations in a safe, supportive environment.

    Further resources were developed in 2016 to support educators to facilitate the “fishbowl/real play” activity. This activity is described in detail in the Workshop Toolkit Booklet and is additionally supported by a package of short films. These seven films explain and demonstrate the activity in detail and include participant perspectives and a conversation about facilitating the workshop and this activity. Films in the package are identified in the list below with the first word “Facilitator”. All material in these films was captured live and unscripted.  

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