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Project Information

  • Project no.
  • Organisation
    Department of Health and Human Services
  • Project completion
  • Email
  • Funding stream
    Clinical Supervision Support Program 2014-15
  • Workforce network
  • Discipline
    Multiple/Not Applicable
  • Subject area
    Clinical Supervision

National Clinical Supervision Competency Resource in Victoria

The National Clinical Supervision Competency Resource provides a national benchmark that describes the core competencies of clinical supervision, across all health disciplines, settings and sectors.

The Clinical Supervision Skills Review Tool assists clinical supervisors to review their skills in clinical supervision. The tool is easy to use and assists supervisors with their strengths in clinical supervision, and any areas that may need further development.

The Resource Guide provides a helpful guide to implementing the National Clinical Supervision Competency Resource and the Clinical Supervision Skills Review Tool in Victoria.

These resources can be used by supervisors, managers, teams, organisations and education providers.

For a transcript of the videos, please email [email protected].

The Department of Health and Human Services thanks the Australian Government for the use of the National Clinical Supervision Competency Resource in Victoria and staff at Barwon Health for sharing their experiences in using the tool.

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